
Showing posts with the label Indian politics

One Nation, One Election: A Game-Changer

One Nation, One Election: A Game-Changer for Indian Democracy or a Constitutional Challenge?. One Nation, One Election: A Game-Changer An important electoral reform proposal in India is the "One Nation, One Election" campaign, which seeks to align the dates of elections for all state legislative assemblies and the Lok Sabha, the lower house of Parliament. This idea aims to streamline the democratic process by establishing a single electoral procedure in which people nationwide cast ballots in both national and state elections at the same time. Historical Background Simultaneous elections were common in the initial years after India gained its freedom. Elections for state assemblies and the Lok Sabha were held simultaneously from 1951–52 to 1967. However, a number of political events, such as the early dissolution of the Lok Sabha and certain state assemblies, interfered with this synchronization. Due to the disrupted electoral cycle caused by these events, elections were ...